
my little sidekick

here are some pictures from the 24th celebration in St. Johns, AZ. I had a blast with my family and these are pictures of maya and i having fun.
we were in papa's workshop and we were making little dog houses, hence the work glasses. i love this little girl so much.


s i s t e r s

you truly are lucky, when you can say that you have three sisters who are always there for you.

i love these girls more than they could ever imagine.
there is not a day that goes by that i don't think of each one of them and i am so lucky to have them.

they are my best friends, we have our fights and misunderstandings but at the end of the day we always find a way to laugh and forget about it.

the best part is, making memories with each other and i love the time that we spend together.

i love you guys, xoxo.


good day

i had a very good day today. i had no appointments, babysitting jobs, or anything just a day where i could do whatever i wanted.
i know, most days i usually am lucky with a schedule that only teenagers get to enjoy but hey i'm not complaining.

so i slept in.
stayed in my pajamas till 2 in the afternoon.
got some pizza with alexa.
went to the pool and relaxed in the jacuzzi.
went to bahama bucks.
and to top off the night, alexa and i went to denee's house
to watch Teen Witch with the girls.

i can't believe summer is almost over. so sad. lets just say i am soooo excited for next week and august!


super excited, i can't even stand it hahah.

i love you all, xoxo.


i heart this.

i saw this ukulele on etsy the other day and i thought it was so cute. i mean come on, it's heart shaped! you can't beat that!



she's baaaack, and i'm loving it.