
anchor: mindy gledhill

{images by: blue lily}

i am loving this cd right now. i have it on repeat every time i get ready. the lyrics from the songs are always running through my mind throughout the day...
i love mindy gledhill.


heap reunion 2010

brooklyn, gabe, brinley, and i
me, alexa, sarah, and carli
sarah and i having fun on the rhino
playing aggravation: gabe, your's truly, alexa,
drake, brooklyn, sarah, and carli

well we survived another year of heap reunion. it was a blast and i miss it already. it rained all day, everyday. what can ya do but have fun and forget about it hahah. there were so many people that came this year it was amazing. i think the total that papa came up with was about 200 people...insane! never ever has this happened. it was so fun to see everyone and be together as a family. i loved having kathy's family with us this year. i hope they come again because it was a treat to have em' with us.

well, until next year... "ON TOP OF OLD SMOOOOOKEY!" just kidding ya'll, i won't get into that.

love you.